Thursday, June 24, 2010

Who is, C64Whiz?

Some of you may be wondering who I am. I've been tweeting more lately and now have some followers I have no idea why they're following me. Nevertheless, glad to have you join the conversation.

As for who I am, I'm just a guy with a tweaked sense of humor, living life, stumbling at times, shining at times, and all in all trying to improve myself. It doesn't matter how old I am. I can converse with the best of them, joke with the masses, or even offer thoughts of ponder and words of inspiration when needed. I'm not a religious person but was raised under one particular faith. No, I won't mention it as I don't want to bond or alienate anyone based on religion.

As for my interests, you may have guessed already computers is the big one. I'm not really into sports, I enjoy intellectual pursuits more. However, sometimes being just plain silly is just the stress reliever the doctor ordered. So don't expect all scientific and mathematical talk. I can still knock-knock joke with the best.

Family? I'm happily married though going through a very rough time at the moment. We have kids whom I adore and we have animals...plenty of them. So if you're a dog lover, cat lover, bird lover, whatever...I can relate. I'm constantly fighting with my oldest cat for *my* bed pillow.

Location? Doesn't matter. I live in the USA, let's leave it at that. Whether your West Coast, East Coast or somewhere in-between, we all live in the USA.

A bit of trivia about me? My real name is not C64Whiz. It's actually C64Genius but that didn't fit on my license plate. ;)

Take care everyone. Don't forget to vote in the poll on the left and feel free to join the Twitter conversation. You can find me @C64Whiz. Goodnight.

SYS 64738

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reminiscing About Yester-year

I don't know why, but I was sitting here on the computer and felt
something I haven't felt in a long, long time. (No not that...I'm still
waiting for that.) I'm talking about the love of hacking and programming.

It seems like so long ago when we use to have only text screens and
command lines to accomplish all we wanted. We got excited when our name
scrolled around the screen like a ball bouncing off the borders. The
thrill of writing code to make a complex piece of machinery do what you
command! Ahhh...

What I don't understand is why it came back to me for only a moment. I
still code, I still use the command line more than anything, so why did
that feeling ever leave? Sure I grew up and got responsibilities but I
still love the thrill of the hack, the excitement you feel just before
you execute your code, and immense frustration just before you solve the
algorithm complexities of sorting methods.

{sigh} Why isn't that feeling still here? I long for it and wish I
could hold on to it as it gives me inspiration and drive me to do better
at my job. Thoughts?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

About This Blog

This blog really doesn't have a purpose per se. But I do hope you'll find some interesting tidbits about anything and everything. So why the Commodore 64 persona? I grew up with it. It was my first real computer that I truly found my calling with.

I remember wanting to learn machine language so I joined a local Commodore Club hoping someone could teach me. Unfortunately no one knew ML but one person did have a beginner book from which my ML world took off. It was then I knew computers were where I'd be spending my career.

However, I'm not narrow-minded. I do have opinions on other topics, other issues, and know how to do other things. This blog is where I'll be sharing it. So feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed or at the very least, follow me on Twitter @C64Whiz.

See you around the 'net...